Saturday, November 10, 2012


I think I'm nesting.

I rearranged all our laundry room storage...
Did 6 loads of laundry...
Washed all the new baby's bedding, blankets and set them up in the changing table...
Took out half our canned goods for charity...
Rotated the seasons on Robbie's clothes...
Made homemade veggie soup...
All this in addition to the suitcase that is already in the car.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Doing Something About It

So back in the day when we were beginning wading through the infertility world, I pulled a major Susann.

I love my job.  I really love it.  What I don't love is it's coverage for infertility treatments.  For a huge media conglomerate, it is just stinky. 

The average IUI with injectibles runs from $5,000-$8,000.  The average IVF can cost up to $20,000.  PER CYCLE.  There's no insurance mandate to cover fertility treatments.  I do get it.   But it stinks when you want to build a family and the maximum lifetime coverage to do so (which mine is) is $4,000.  Total.  That barely covered the medicines on one IUI.  Many plans cover absolutely nothing. 

Of the dozens of choices available to federal families, only two have any type of infertility coverage.

Our military families wounded in action don't have the ability or coverage to use reproductive technology to build their families.

So that means we, and so many other families out there are spending exorbinate amounts of money to build their families.  All for the HOPE that something works.

We were lucky.  My odds were better than many others.  Other families spend tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket for basically the possibility  of winning the World Series of Poker.  I realize this is a choice, but I also realize that it is nice to actually have a choice, rather than have one predetermined response given to you.

If wounded warriors ability to build a family is impacted by a wound received in theatre, their IUI or IVF treatment isn't covered.

Thought, hell... I live in DC...  there's got to be SOMETHING out there that's talking about this.  Supporting women and families.  Advocating for better access to care.  Helping people navigate the process and connecting the infertility community.

So I found RESOLVE, the National Infertility Association.  I participated in one of their blogger challenges back in the day, and then picked up the phone, called the President, and said "I'm a lobbyist, how can I help."

And Barb let me.  She welcomed me.  She appreciated my experience in dealing with military families and defense health issues.  She let me connect her with wounded warriors and policymakers. 

Fast forward to today.  About a month ago, I was asked by leadership and board of RESOLVE to join their Public Policy Working Group.  We're charged with driving some of the strategic goals of RESOLVE's approach to public policy, to keep our eyes on what's happening now and what could happen.

I'm proud.

I'm doing something about it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Walk On...

On his daily sheet at school yesterday, the teacher mentioned he had taken one or two unassisted steps.  Today?  5-6.  We hadn't seen any until this evening.

Now that he can walk (kind of), Robbie needs a walk off song.

Because really, who doesn't?

For the record, Mom's is Welcome to the Jungle and Dad's is Devil Went Down to Georgia...


I'm packed.

The "what to do" lists are sent.

The suitcase is in the car.

Now we wait.

(Can you tell that I woke up this morning not feeling right?)

(Demon Daisy is not impressed)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


It's nice to live in America.

Team Edwards made it out to the polls this morning. 

Guess who dressed baby in Democratic blue this morning?

(Answer:  not Dad)

Monday, November 5, 2012

You Mock, I Kill v. 3

Check out 37 weeks last time...

And 31 weeks this time...

And just shy of 36 weeks this time.

Can I just say in all full disclosure that it's nice to be a bigger girl who is pregnant that looks like she is pregnant and not just a big girl who ate too many Cheetos?

You mock?  I Kill.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Can't say thank you enough

Everyone reading this knows what a great Lady I am married to.

I was out of town for several days this past week on business as well as getting in a day of campaigning in NC.  Susann was flying solo for three nights and never once complained even though she came down with a pretty good head cold.  She and Robbie not only survived but thrived with trips out to the playground with the family Upham and multiple trips out to keep Robbie entertained.  As always they both came through with flying colors.

Susann is an amazing Mother and a wonderful Wife - I would be remiss if I did not say thank you for all that she does everyday for our family - seemingly always with a smile.  Robbie and I are blessed to have her in our lives.