Tuesday, August 5, 2014


We are ice cream pros, now.

After two attempts.

All ice cream should be consumed buck nekkid

(With diapers or whatever)

On the back porch.

Summer.  We are doing it right.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What it is all about

I think it is no exaggeration when I say Susann and I stand with the support of some truly amazing friends and family.

We made the trek down to see "our people" in South Carolina.  I have lived in Washington for 19 years and while I love this city and the lives we have made here there is no place like home.  SC is far from perfect but the people are simply good - nice to have a horn blown at you to say hi with a wave vs the normal "salute" you receive on the road here in DC.

We started off the week in beautiful Greenville for a 5 day stay.  I have to say that while I love my home town of Marion but I could see us moving to Greenville some day.  Lots of industry, lots to do for the kids and parents and most important FAMILY.

There is NO WAY we could cross the state line into SC and not visit my parents so we spent the last several days in Marion.  To say it was good to see my parents, brothers and sister (who drove up from Charleston to see us) is a massive understatement.  We don't get to chose our family but I would not change a thing even if I could.  They are truly the best and could not provide AH and R with a better example of what a family can and should be.

We are not without challenges in our life as a family, at times they appear to be daunting, and then I look up from focusing on my small world and take a look around.  While our lives are not perfect, we have so very much to be thankful for.  As for the challenges, Susann and I have been blessed with an abundance of ability and just as importantly we have the love and support of our family by birth as well as those brave people who, while they might not be family by blood, are our family of choice.