Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today, as we are entering 2012, I'm feeling grateful.

Grateful for the gift of the Robster.

For having the ability and luck to put Robbie in daycare less than two blocks from the new office.

For a marriage to my best friend in the world.

For a job that afforded me the time to get to know our new son.

For the new friendships I developed over the last few months.

For friendships that can change and grow as our lives do.

It may be time for the Edwards family to find a new motto. 

Or maybe Nunquam Securus is just right.

Never easy...

But I wouldn't change a thing.

(And you should totally dress your baby in horizontal stripes)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holy Four Months Batman!

Sometime in the last week we got a four month old.


That's like a semester at college.

Or half a pregnancy.

I can't believe I've been lucky enough to be at home with him this whole time. 

What do you need to know about our four month old?

  • After WEEKS of anguish and stressing and crying and frustration about breastfeeding until 10 weeks old, our little guy is finally on track weight-wise.  At his 4 month appointment on the 21st, he weighed 15 lbs, 3 ozs and was 24.5 inches long.  Right smack dab in the 50th percentile for both.  Welcome to average mediocrity buddy.  We're so happy to have you here.

  • Where is he excelling?  Why, in head size for one.  He's in the over 100th percentile for that.  As our awesome and honest pediatrician said, "we'll watch him for water on the brain, but 99 times out of 100, it just means his Daddy has a big head.  (His Dad?  Has a BIG head).

  • I think the infamous 4 month sleep regression has hit us in a weird way.  Nighttime awesome sleeping?  Not affected so far (but now that I've typed that I'm sure it will happen tonight). 
    Naps?  Are now officially needed.  If he doesn't get a nap or three during the day we're getting some major daytime meltdowns.  With holiday travel our schedules have been all screwed up, so he hasn't been getting an hour that he had been sleeping while we were on walks.

  • We're all set to start daycare (and work for me) on Tuesday.  I'm really pleased where we ended up.  More on that in another post.

  • He continues to not know how to roll front to back, but is a champ at rolling back to front.  It is supposed to happen in the opposite order.  What this means is that he now mostly sleeps on his stomach.  Nothing we can do to avoid, but I'll be happy to pass that six month mark where the SIDS scariness goes down significantly.

  • He loves to have someone sing to him.  He coos and "sings" along most of the time.  The daycare we are sending him has an optional music program that I think we'll enroll him in.  Apparently Shawn was in the choir at Citadel.  Maybe we have another budding musician.  He certainly didn't get that ability or appreciation from his Mom.  (Unless he aspires to be a karaoke singer)

  • Peas are the winner so far for eating.  He ate almost half a container this evening, when usually he was only having a spoon or two full.

  • He's a budding narcissist.  Loves to check himself out in a mirror.  (But really, who doesn't?)

  • He's still a sunny little dude.  Hasn't met a stranger (yet), and is very generous with smiles.  That makes it easier for Mom and everyone else.

We have a four month old!  This month's blackberry photo shoot brought to you in nakey and non-nakey.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another Road Trip

Another success.


I can see that roadtrips in the future aren't going to be as quiet and sleepy.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's for Dinner Mom??

We have ventured into the land of solid foods.

Well, pureed foods.

If you don't know this about parenting, there are studies on everything.  They give completely conflicting advice, and so far my parenting philosophy has just been to go with our gut.

Some say to start solids at four months.  Others say don't dare until six months. Some say to never start until he can eat a steak.  Some say to wait until baby notices your eating.

Our little baby bird turned four months last week and we decided to give baby food a go before he goes to daycare next week.  I wanted to control the process in a safe setting, and give the Edwards family one of Rob's "firsts" to experience over Christmas.

There is apparently a strategy to baby food.  Start with rice cereal or baby oatmeal once a day for three days, mixed with formula.  Add a new food every 2-3 days so you can identify food sensitivities or allergies right away.  Veggies first, fruits last.

So far the winners?  Sweet potatoes and peas.

Losers?  Rice cereal and green beans.

Next up?  Mixed veggies, Avocado, and carrots.

Lots of Moms I've talked to delayed solid foods because they can be a pain to feed, test, clean, etc.  I haven't found that yet... we're still having fun with it.  And the Robster?  He's.... messy.

I've asked for a Baby Bullet for Christmas, and if I don't get it in the next week or so, I'm going to venture out to buy it or something of the like.  I'm not a huge organ-o, cloth-diaperer, no-enviromental mom, but I do figure on feeding beeb, fresh is best.  I've got some avocado in the fridge to be pureed for our next food, and then plan on making baby food the best I can.

After all, the Edwards men need to eat what's for dinner.
(More on the four month appt in the next post)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas in Marion

The Family Edwards' made the trek down from DC to the Holy Land (South Carolina) to see the Edwards side of the family.  It is about a 6 1/2 trip and Robbie made it 5 hours before he hit the pause button.  We made a pit stop (gas/bathroom/food/diaper/bottle/walk the Daisy) for about 45 minutes and then powered on through to Marion.

As always it was great to see our family there.  Grandmom had the high school ban playing Jingle Bells when we got in (slight exaggeration) and I believe she and Pop where please to see us.

Saturday was spent "visiting".  Uncle Kevin and Uncle Joey swung by the house and "Uncle" Chuck and "Aunt" Debbie came by with their kids to see us as well as Mom and Dad.  The day was capped off with the Candle Light service at church which I have to admit is my favorite service of the year.  Robbie hung in for most of the service but Susann had to take him out about half way through.  She got a bottle in him and was able to get back in for the end of the service.  All the moving around got Robbie's tummy upset - I had my first siting of the fabled "projectile vomit".  Both Susann and my sweaters took a hit but I am not sure the church pew will ever be the same.

We had a wonderful Christmas day starting with Susann's breakfast casserole and Mrs. Martha's coffee cake.  Then off to Uncle Charlie's Hut (long story) for carols and coffee followed by everyone walking out to Uncle Charlie's grave (Christmas was his birthday) to sing Rock of Ages.  Then to "big" church for a nice Christmas service the best part of which was the blessing of the toys (Robbie's sock monkey got the honor this time).  Then we headed home for a incredible meal prepared by Susann and Aunt Paula.  The deal was they would cook and I would have to clean.  I have never known that that many dishes . . . lets just say we might be using paper plates next year.  Then into the den to open all of the presents.  Robbie has no idea what Christmas is but he does like wrapping paper and he got his spring wardrobe needs taken care of.

We have been blessed so much - Thank you just does not seem to cover it but I guess it is a start.

I hope everyone reading this has had a wonderful Christmas.  Safe travels and good fortune to all in the coming year.