Monday, November 14, 2011

I Have Hands

So I realize that not everyone gets to see Robbie every waking hour like I do... so the question comes up... What's he like?  What does a day in the life of Robbie entail?

  • Robbie is definitely a mini-Shawn.  He is LAID LAID back, and really smile-y.
  • He's a talker, especially if we are singing to him or blowing raspberries.  He prefers country music and James Taylor.
  • He, at least to this point, really only cries when he's hungry.
  • We call him tank, because he eats about every 90 minutes in the evening, but that is usually followed by a 8-9 hour overnight sleep, so we'll take it!
  • When he wakes up, he usually just starts babbling until the hunger kicks in.
  • He spends most of the day hanging out on the ground.  Lying on a blanket we have on the main floor or on his play gym in the basement.
  • He's not much of a napper.  He'll sleep if we're driving or walking, or for random passing outs for 15-20 minutes at a time.  The only place he'll take a "real" nap is in the swing.
  • He really, really likes other babies.  Notices them when they are in the room, and watches or reaches for them.
  • The stroller or carseat make him narcoleptic.
  • He is a miracle blanket de-swaddling Houdini.  No matter how tightly we wrap him, his whole body is out by morning.  This probably means I should at some point phase out the swaddle, but I'm scared its going to mess with his good sleeping.
  • He can roll from his stomach to back if he really wants to.  Otherwise he just faceplants and cries.  Hates tummy time.
  • He loves toys with smiling faces on them, and will coo and talk to them like they are people.
  • He has discovered his hands in the last 10 days and holds them in front of his face like he's saying: "Holy sh*t, I have hands".... but he still hasn't learned how to hold or grab anything intentionally.  He does like to suck on his whole fist, which has led to some gagging, but a whole lot less pacifier usage.
  • He found his feet today, but I think that may just be because his socks had smiling frogs on them
I think we'll keep him.

1 comment:

  1. awwww baby! "I think we'll keep him" - so cute.

    How about sleep sacks? I hear those are good for babes who unswaddle themselves! But I'm no mom. :)
