Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What's for Dinner Mom??

We have ventured into the land of solid foods.

Well, pureed foods.

If you don't know this about parenting, there are studies on everything.  They give completely conflicting advice, and so far my parenting philosophy has just been to go with our gut.

Some say to start solids at four months.  Others say don't dare until six months. Some say to never start until he can eat a steak.  Some say to wait until baby notices your eating.

Our little baby bird turned four months last week and we decided to give baby food a go before he goes to daycare next week.  I wanted to control the process in a safe setting, and give the Edwards family one of Rob's "firsts" to experience over Christmas.

There is apparently a strategy to baby food.  Start with rice cereal or baby oatmeal once a day for three days, mixed with formula.  Add a new food every 2-3 days so you can identify food sensitivities or allergies right away.  Veggies first, fruits last.

So far the winners?  Sweet potatoes and peas.

Losers?  Rice cereal and green beans.

Next up?  Mixed veggies, Avocado, and carrots.

Lots of Moms I've talked to delayed solid foods because they can be a pain to feed, test, clean, etc.  I haven't found that yet... we're still having fun with it.  And the Robster?  He's.... messy.

I've asked for a Baby Bullet for Christmas, and if I don't get it in the next week or so, I'm going to venture out to buy it or something of the like.  I'm not a huge organ-o, cloth-diaperer, no-enviromental mom, but I do figure on feeding beeb, fresh is best.  I've got some avocado in the fridge to be pureed for our next food, and then plan on making baby food the best I can.

After all, the Edwards men need to eat what's for dinner.
(More on the four month appt in the next post)

1 comment:

  1. someone is getting chubby baby cheeks!! Daniel was a huge fan of avacado and banana. Peas and green beans are just now becoming tolerable.
