Monday, February 27, 2012

For the Crazy

I told Shawn the truth about six months ago.

All women are crazy. 

Even the doesn't seem so crazy ones like me.

But crazy is as crazy does.

It's hard to turn off the voices in your head sometimes, especially when you aren't getting the restful sleep that you are supposed do.

For the crazy times like a had-four-shots-today-where-did-my-amazing-laid-back-baby-go-who-is-this-weepy-lethargic-baby-times, you get a video like this?

And you stop talking like Bethenny.

And your mind stops running like Bethenny. 

And it's all going to be ok.

You are all doing great Moms I know and those I don't.

1 comment:

  1. Bethenny as in Frankel? Ha! I love that show. You ARE doing great mama! And that Robbie (and Shawn) is a lucky guy :) Miss you.
