Monday, April 30, 2012

A Confession

I confess.

The inability to breastfeed bothers the crap out of me.

I don't carry around the guilt that I had for months.  And I can't say that I'd still be doing it if I were able.  But not being able to?  Sucked.

So whats a type-A-why-isn't-this-working-what-else-can-I-do Mom to do? 

Why, homemade baby food of course!

Again with the why.  Um... I'm not sure other than it makes me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING.  I can't say it saves a ton of money.  And it certainly isn't as easy as popping open a jar of Earth's Best...  But at the end of the day, it's not all that hard. 

Cook the heck out of some veggies and fruits.  Puree.  Add oatmeal or baby cereal if you pureed too much.  Freeze.  Voila. 

Guilt rectified.

Kind of.

The real confession? 

I send the homemade food to school so everyone can be impressed with me and use Earth's Best at home.

I'm going to parenting hell.

One recent weekend hours' handiwork:


Kid tested.  Robbie approved.


  1. As one of my good friends just pointed out. #yuppieproblems .

  2. LOL I do the SAME EXACT THING!!!

  3. Dying at that face.

    So sneaky Susann. haha :)

  4. I'll be waiting for you in parenting hell. Bring the booze!
