Friday, January 4, 2013

One Month, Take Two

It's so hard to not compare the two, but OMG, Robbie was so little.

We're breastfeeding again, but we're also supplementing without guilt.  And thank goodness.  We haven't had to go for weight checks, and just look at those cheeks!  CHEEKS!

And look at poor starving Robbie in his same one month set up: .

Not my finest moment as a mother watching Robster waste away while I was crying and nips bleeding and trying to breastfeed and not supplement. We're so lucky he is just Mr. Chillio

Anna Helen, although I don't want to jinx it, appears to be an AWESOME baby.

  • She's a night owl, and like her brother likes to clusterfeed from 8pm until midnight or 1am.  Being awake and talkie the whole time.  Otherwise she's sleeping.  We have a bad case of days and nights being mixed up.

But we'll get there. 

We will.

  • She loves Daisy as much as Daisy loves her.  It is heartwarming. 

  • Which leads up to the fact that she SMILED yesterday.  Smiled for real.  But let's be honest, she smiled at Daisy first.  I just was lucky enough to get some leftovers.

  • And she rolls over from front to back.  Yowza.  She's very present and aware.  Might be troubs when in her teens.

Happy 1 month gal.  We're happy to have you here.

(Yes, you should totes dress your baby in horizontal stripes.  Accents the chunks)

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