Tuesday, March 26, 2013

On Love

Love Is...

Well. For us?  It was totally different.

Best friends hanging out.

Sometimes beers. 

Sometimes smooching.

But ALWAYS hanging out.

I mean, really.  Why wouldn't you want to hang out ALWAYS with the person who makes you feel most alive.  Makes you feel like the funniest and smartest and most amazing person in the room.

Who wouldn't want that?

Who doesn't deserve that?

We were TOTALLY taboo. 



Cannot confirm nor deny that at points we were dating other people.

But there was something there.

Something electric and different and special and just so RIGHT.

We snuck around.

We kept it secret.

We brushed off friends who said "there's something more there".

You know... because we were friends.

But that electricity and awesomeness and best friendness? 

Makes the best kind of marriage.

My family looks different than your family.

In some places and times. 

Even in this place and time. 

The thought of SCIENCE??  Creating kids?  Creating a family?

Well, that's just wrong.

But for us. 

It was right.

It was the ONLY right thing. 

It made us a family.

We are surrounded by love.

By families of one.  By families of none.

By families craving kids and by others who choose to live as a family of two.

By single moms.  Single dads.  Awesome singles who could care less if they could/would.  Because they are their own families.

We are surrounded by those we call our fRamilies. 

Those that make our road a little easier to sow and our lives a little more worth living.

Family is what you make of it.

Love it what you make of it.

And everyone deserve that choice.

I'm standing proud today in support of everyone having that choice.

I did.

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