Monday, March 28, 2011

Things to Worry About

Of course there are things to worry about...

I had a dream the other night that I woke up to tiny bites on my toes. I kicked it off and it went away for awhile before it started again. About 20 minutes (in dream land) later, I stripped off the bed covers to discover tiny crawfish crawling around in my bed biting my toes.

Do you think that indicates anxiety?

Like, did you know that it takes 10-14 weeks sometimes to get a crib shipped? And that at 19 weeks now, we are no closer to finding a crib than we were 19 weeks ago.

When we were 8 weeks pregnant or so, our PERFECT nursery furniture set was on sale at Costco. We thought about buying it, but I was too paranoid. I didn't want to be that lady with nursery furniture and no baby to put in it.

I've discovered that everything else doesn't compare to that set. It's either twice the price, not as nice, or both. As someone who has been shopping for my own bedroom furniture for going on 11 years now, I have a feeling we're going to reach a critical juncture pretty soon.

I'm not against Cr@igslist, but things are getting snapped up in 10 minutes that are anywhere near within the Beltway. And I'm not going to drive to Leesburg for a used crib.

We're also in the passively looking process of thinking about moving before Tad makes his appearance. That gives us less than 15 weeks or so to make a decision on whether to move, decide what to do with our house(s), pack, move, get settled.

Piling on the worries!

I've arbitrarily set April 15th as the deadline for any big decisions that are going to be made between now and 2012. Baby gender will be known by then. Baby name will be set by then. Taxes will be filed. Decision on house will be made by then?

What else should we add on top??


  1. Don't let the crawfish get you down! I think that we are friends because we are very similar...setting deadlines like that helps me organize my anxiety and put it to good use. Helps to feel a little more in control.

    It's like the one thing (day, pot hole, bump, etc) at a time thing people are always telling me about.

  2. I know where you can get a nice large house that you can fill up with tads very cheap in God's country but the commute is a killer. Would love to have such outstanding people nearby, just a thought!!!

  3. Move to Leesburg. All the good cribs for adults and babies are in Loudoun Co. ;)
