Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Business Trip

One of the "joys" of having a previa is that I'm not allowed to fly. Anywhere. For fun or pleasure.

So far that has aided in the cancellation of a business trip to California, another to Birmingham, and our "babymoon" that we were planning to play the World Series of Poker one more time in Vegas.

What it didn't cancel, however, was this weekend's Saturday road trip to New Jersey to attend the grand opening of one of my client's new hospital. This hospital will deliver over 6000 babies annually once open... I joked with my client I wasn't planning on being the first. But just in case, my very kind husband came along, and was a huge help.

I was tasked with escorting and introducing around one Member of Congress who I have gotten to know over the last few months since his election to Congress. He's a great guy, and that part was easy.

It was the drive home in the monsoon on Saturday night that was, frankly, terrifying. Those of you who know Shawn well, know that he is Captain Cool, Calm and Collected. As he's always said, when he's worried, "the wings have come off the plane".

Well our car doesn't have wings, but it didn't enjoy the torrential downpour, the alternating wind and hail, and the potholes and foot-deep puddles on the interstate.

I'm thankful to be home safely. We should've stayed over in NJ. Not the brightest decision on our part for this one.

But a business trip enjoyed... and hopefully not my last for awhile.

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