Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today marks 37 weeks... the time that they won't try to turn back labor if it starts to happen.  Baby E is fully baked!

Robbie's lungs should be fully developed.  He's likely tipping the scales at just over 7 pounds this week.  He's measuring as of today in the 85%.  But he's also making my blood pressure go back up a little... so today involved some more bloodwork to make sure I don't have Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (which can lead to pre-eclampsia).

I've actually felt pretty great this week.   I've slept well.  Eaten lots.  Been a productive "nester" at work.

The doc I saw today said she'd be surprised if anything happens in the next week.  But then again, if I remember correctly, I was a little over two weeks early. 

So it's anyone's guess.

Don't forget to enter your guess in the birth date pool.  I'm going to close it for entries on Saturday, since one of my colleagues chose that as their date.
Top left box for invited guests:  palmettobaby


  1. Cooommme on Robbie Get to my 8 pound 8 ounces. Mama wants a new Ryan Adams Album!!
