Friday, August 5, 2011

Things to Do Before Baby Gets Here, Version 1

I probably should have started this list a month ago to tick of all the things we need to do before the baby gets here...

But in true Susann "to do list" fashion, I will put some things on it that I've already done, just for the satisfaction of seeing things crossed off.

Big Important Work Meeting - August 4th
Transition memos and 4 month workplans for 8 clients on which I'm the lead
Transition memo for worried boss
Debt ceiling memo for worried clients
Buy a car, put it on the car insurance
Buy changing pad, first aid kit, thermometer, extra sheets, swing
Wash all baby clothes and sort by size
Figure out solution for ugly nursery glider
Put mobile together
Shower thank you notes
Buy blinds for nursery and guest room
Get said blinds installed
Change nursery light to dimmer
Put pack and play, crib, and stroller together
Move some toys, diapers and blankets to basement
Figure out post-baby helper schedule
Get car seat installed
Renew drivers license
Activate short-term disability
Find camera charger
Charge camera
Find flip camcorder
Charge flip camcorder
Find a "packing for the hospital" list
Pack for the hospital
Create an "I'm in labor" email list
Create a more expansive "Baby is here" list
Find Shady Grove paperwork to mail back after delivery
Choose a 529 plan for the baby's education
Get hair cut and highlighted
Doctor re: Daisy's leg, and a backup plan if she can't go to Wagtime
Home repairs from leak finished:  baby's room, master bedroom, master bathroom, laundry room painted, laundry shelves, sun room painted, tile replaced in bath, storage room, washer dryer back in place
Schedule maid for week before baby due
Clean sheets on guest bedroom and pull out sofa

I'm sure there are lots of things I've forgotten.


  1. I see more things that can be checked off: thank you notes, find packing list (you're going to need a sherpa with the one we three sent you), and get your hair did...

  2. I thought you weren't supposed to color your hair while preggers? Old wives tale?

  3. @mandy ... no dyeing, but highlighting is ok. Why? I have no idea.
