Monday, August 1, 2011


Lots of people have commented on how calm we are about the fact that we will be parents in three-ish weeks. 

I can't speak for Shawn, but I typically say something along the lines of "we aren't 25, we kind of know what we are getting into."

We can afford a child.  We know it isn't going to be easy to raise a kid.  We know there are going to be sleepless nights and growing pains and all those things.

But I wonder (secretly, and then on our blog), if it isn't something more.

Even with our house populated with baby things, I think I haven't quite accepted that we are going to have a BABY.  Like a real live baby.  That is ours.  Sometime in August. 

I don't know if this is a leftover emotion from the long process, but it all seems so surreal.

Maybe that's a normal feeling.  

Maybe I'll kick into panicked nesting mode.

Or maybe one day there will just be a baby.  And it'll work.

1 comment:

  1. I believe it's called "ready"

    I don't think it's ever "real" for anyone until the day comes!
